


© Copyright  02/03/24 - Andrew Siddle -  All rights reserved on written content



Well; I'm Andrew Siddle and I was born in the small town of Padiham which is in Lancashire. Padiham was a market town for four hundred years and stands on the river Calder. To be exact I was born at 15 South Drive in Padiham.


I've been around for rather a long while now; but I don't accept that! I was born on the 17th February, a February Aquarian, but if I choose to be a street wise New age dude and reject the "jaded , faded, I'm growing older mentality of couch potato-dom" that is my choice! Cool as Yule and no Fool is the Rule!


My life revolves around my work and to that end I intend to still be working, on various projects that I decide, at the age of 85 or 90 or older.


Reality is that people like me don't stop and I'd rather just drop down dead, of a heart attack one day in the middle of a task of work, than spend my time sitting at home in retirement when ever that is supposed to happen.


It's a matter of what folk are used to. I'm used to 68 hour working weeks and being able to achieve my plans through pure DEFACTO insistence. 


I am an East London, ex resident of Teasal Way in West Ham, RICS trained Property Surveyor/Consultant  who now works as a property investment management surveyor.


The contracts and projects that I have worked on , over the years, tend to be where ever is of interest.


At one stage I was public sector Land Development Officer for the creation of two new country parks, then the next, I was the owner of a lettings & property management agency in Birmingham City. Then from there on to assessing property investments in Northamptonshire for a  Property Trust.


It's where ever it is at the time really!


I am the son of Brian Siddle, who was born in Darlington City, in County Durham, in  north east England ( Died 27th April 2009). Also Jean Siddle (Aka Jean Crawford) who was born in the coastal town of Redcar, in County Cleveland, in the north east (died 25th March 2021).


Reginald Nevison Siddle, from County Durham, was my grandfather as my father's father. Reg' was a soccer player in North East England who is mostly remembered by  the County Durham Community. He died in Northampton town, Northamptonshire, in 1995 aged 88


Reginald Siddle, my grandfather on my father's side of the family, lived in Darlington City, County Durham, but much of his family were originally based around maritime Plymouth because of merchant navy work back in the 1800's.:-


Reginald Nevison Siddle


Photograph of Reg' Siddle and family. Seen  here crossing the river Tees on the transporter in Middlesbrough on his motorbike and sidecar combination.

From South Drive , in Padiham, Lancashire, to Teasal Way in West Ham , East London!




A photo of the block of flats that was home while living at Teasal Way, West Ham, East London.

I've been working since the age of fourteen, when I started working part time in a fish and chip shop, and went back into education later on instead of taking the traditional route to University directly from school. From part time jobs, at the age of fourteen, I progressed to becoming a property/land management surveyor, and also undertook a RICS Land Administration degree in East London, in order to become this.


Since 1983 I have had a number of  historical highlights to my property and land career that have included:-



1.0 Founder of Britannia Property Services  Lettings and property management agency in 1993. This was a Birmingham City based practice set up in conjunction with an enterprise scheme being run by Birmingham Chamber of Commerce. Britannia Property Services still exists , under a change of ownership, and has never ceased. 


2.0 Land development officer for two new country Parks in Northamptonshire for Northamptonshire County Council ; circa 1990. These being Brixworth (Pitsford) Country Park and the Brampton Valley Way. This was at a time when the job required physical , and hard hard graft,  as well as management ability. Many quarry lorries came and went with hard core and light granite dust at this stage in time.


3.0 Research contributor, amongst others, to various issues paving the way for the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, through a Public Policy Research Unit known as C.U.R.S. ( Centre for Urban and Regional Studies). This is connected to the University of Birmingham and was around  1992/1993.


4.0 New home sales closer for property sales at various new home building sites from Alfreton, in Derbyshire, over to Ely in Cambridgeshire.


5.0 Founder of a small property and land trust for the letting of a number of properties, small scale building works, and property consultancy projects within the UK. The Property Trust has a registered office at Kemp House, 160 City Road, Islington, London, EC1V 2NX. It is also my address for book publications work and other correspondence including family matters.


6.0 Trustee of the block of flats known as Kingsthorpe House, 76 Hinton Road, Kingsthorpe, Northampton, NN2 8NA. Following the death of the first Managing Director of Grosvenor & Hinton Builders ( registered office in Lancashire) I was made Trustee for the management of this block of flats by his final will and testament in the 1980's and still am. A service company was established called Kingsthorpe House Management Limited, to do day to day management, but as trustee I retain rights over the management of the block. Originally the block was called Grosvenor House but we changed it to Kingsthorpe House back in the 1980's. Especially because there is a Grosvenor Centre in the centre of Northampton already. The original project partners were  Hinton Builders and the Grosvenor Estate , of 70 Grosvenor Street, London, W1K 3JP,  acting as financier for the building work.


7.0 Reunification of Lands Between Morocco and the Western Sahara Campaign / 2021 - As Son in law, through my second marriage to  my Lalla Merriam (deceased) , of Moulay Hassan II of Morocco (died on 23rd July 1999) I have worked on supporting the re-unification of land between Morocco and the Western Sahara. Originally my father in law led the Green March , in November 1975; when un armed Moroccan citizens , supported by Moroccan Army Tanks, marched into the Western Sahara desert to reclaim it for their own people. I have worked tirelessly since the  1990's to have the reunification of land recognised internationally. As of 2021 the USA finally recognised Morocco and the Western Sahara to be reunited as one country. This was followed by the Arab League and was announced  to the press on Christmas day of the year 2021. The announcement was made by the Arab League within the North Africa Post. :



I have been married twice. My first wife was Tina Braybrook ( AKA Tina Kerti) who was a fashion clothing model and later on a film Actor who I was later divorced from. She was known mainly in the USA for her films but also in the UK. I had known her since the age of about 7.


We were later divorced but not until she had produced the first of our new family together.


Fortunately I was cash rich at the time. I  made a cash out of court settlement for the Decree Absolute. This was at a time when I had extra money coming in both through occasional expenses from a UK Intelligence Services job and also through doing the stuntman shots in her movies while she was there.


In our time together we went all over the world  because of her acting career, my overseas service with SIS, and through holidays that she liked to save for. 


Tina's acting career included secondary roles at Hollywood Studios in the USA. Also Uk films including sessions at BBC Shepherds Bush film studios in London; and even appearing on Play For Today which had a BBC2, 9 pm slot, when it was popular back in the 1980's and 1990's.


In the mid to late 1980's I followed her around the film sets as I was often given stunt roles in which I was a stand in for the main actor/s doing the dangerous scenes. Then they would swap us over again and have the recognised actor do the next section of filming that was not categorised as dangerous.


I was tagged on to my wife's actor's Union Membership for this purpose at one stage. In particular for a scene in the West County of the UK, Cornwall, in which I had to crash a car from a cliff face into the sea for a film crew.


My second wife was my Lalla Merriam, the only daughter of the first wife of King Hassan II of Morocco. My marriage was in Morocco and had media coverage in the newspapers just about everywhere back then. Lalla means  Lady roughly translated from Moroccan Arabic. We don't mention her name any more since she was executed by firing squad of the Moroccan State Army later on.


So , from my second marriage, I am the son in law of Lalla Fatima bint Qaid Hassan Amhourak and her husband Moulay Hassan II, the King of Morocco, from my marriage to my Lalla Merriam , the only daughter of the first wife of King Hassan II, of  the Islamic  Moroccan Alaouite Royal Family.


This means that I am uncle to  Prince Moulay Hassan (III) of Morocco. He is son of my brother in law King Mohammed Vi and lined up to be the future King of Morocco.


I have also been engaged to Jo Copeland whose family came from the north east England. However there was no future in the arrangement.


I was divorced from my first wife and my second wife was shot by a firing squad of the official state army of Morocco because she turned against her father , the King, in actions that were treasonous.


As a cool cat have I had kittens? Well; Are there fish in the sea? Are there birds in the garden? 


Out of my surviving hoard I have four kittens in the Uk and one kitten in Africa! There is also another son who was brought up in New York City in the USA. In his case he doesn't want to be part of the rest of the hoard  & I respect his wish to be independent! 


So of my officially recognised hoard that makes a total of 6 including the United Kingdom, Africa, and the USA.


Some of them now have their own so I am also a grandfather.





I had my first son when I was 17 who unfortunately died young. This was by my first wife Tina who I married when I was a teenager. He was born in Kettering, Northants. This was  on Park Road vicinity, opposite Park Road Junior School, in Kettering.


Also there is  my daughter Tina, who changed her name to Christina, and moved to South Normanton in Derbyshire. South Normanton is one of the locations that I lived at when younger as I lived at 28 South Street, South Normanton.


I did have a second natural son in Wigston Magna, in Leicestershire  in the  late 1980's, but he is happy with his own settled family as it is now and never had the registered Siddle surname upon being born. He was the end result of the months that I spent with Kathy, of Wigston Magna, Leicestershire, who I was with for a while.  

Going back to the subject of  natural children; well then there is my Holly who was born aboard a narrow boat on the North Nottinghamshire canal network. She went on to work in estate agency in Ripley in Derbyshire.  She was the younger daughter of two, her older sister being one of my natural daughters, who died  before Holly was born. 


When the agency office  In Ripley shut, she moved to another firm, as lettings agent, in Eastwood; which is Nottinghamshire rather than Derbyshire.


Her mother and I gave her the name Holly after the Christmas styled Holly bush because new life is a gift that should be revered and the Holly bush represents Christmas time.


Another of my natural daughters was  born in Rushden, Northants, back in the mid 1980's. She was born at the flower shop on Rushden High Street at number 37A. This being on the same side of the High Street as the Rose and Crown Pub.


She was one of three sisters but  was the only one who was a natural daughter. The other two sisters were of a different father and a different point in time from that relationship. As at 2021 the shop is still doing well but is in fact a different business doing the same thing . My natural daughter did not take up a role with the shop and went her own way for work.


Through my time in Africa,  working as an occasional overseas UK intelligence agent, I not only have family in the Rabat area of Morocco, Maghreb-North Africa, but also a daughter further south in Sub Saharan Africa. She inherited a sales job selling from a market stall from her relatives and was doing well with that when I heard last; a long while ago now! Her name is Vicky. 


Because my brother in law from my second marriage, is the  North African Alaouite  Mohammed Vi , my daughter Vicky as an African is the niece of the King of Morocco. She is also therefore a cousin of  my nephew Prince Moulay Hassan III potential future king of Morocco, Maghreb, North Africa. 


For those who don't know where Maghreb is it consists of the combined countries of Morocco, the Western Sahara  Desert, Tunisia, Mauritania, Algeria and Libya. It is an Arab word for this largely Berber tongue, and Arab, region that is in North West Africa. Maghreb means "place that the sun sets" and forms what was once a single political entity including all of these countries mentioned. 


Especially in Morocco there is also a massive Jewish community , in very traditional historic homes, but the state religion throughout Maghreb is largely speaking Islamic.


I spent quite some time in both the Western Sahara Desert, and Morocco, in the earlier part of my life for work.


The cultures of some of the Berber tongue speakers in the Atlas Mountains region or Morocco are fascinating. Some of the Shiluh peoples speak an Afro-Asiatic language that has been known as Shluh or Schloh. 


This particular Berber language formed the basis of the origin of both Irish Gael tribe Gaelic and also Scottish Western isles Gaelic.


While some words have different spellings Gaelic speakers can actually still understand some of what Shiluh Shluh speaking Berbers are saying in conversation in the 21st century.


As an example the word Ma - means son of in Shluh. When you take this over to the original Gaels of Scotland it becomes Mac and means the same thing. It's all about the Indo European migrations westward away from the Mediterranean  that happened centuries and centuries ago.


Many of the Berber tongues of Maghreb are Afro- Asiatic. This goes way back in history to the times of Hamilcar Barca ( pronounced Bartha) and his son Hannibal Barca leaders of  Carthage in Tunisia.


Both Hamilcar and his son hired elephant riders , for the Carthaginian  army, from Asia Major.  Also they had a shared race army with Asia Major and Asia Minor anyway. So Asian words mix with African words in the region of North Africa and Maghreb.



I have an interest in property and land law , both modern and medieval, that has led me to research the old Lord of the Manor of Sydal title from Lancashire where I was born. We have reinstated this , together with the Manorial Guild, as a broken line of ascendancy title. Broken lines of ascendancy do not allow for the prefix of "LORD" and as such the title goes after the name in brackets as a reminder of the custodian of the history of the old title. So it appears as Andrew Siddle (Lord of the Manor of """"""""""") and not as a Lord title. The record of this is kept with many others at the Manorial Guild who keep a register of Manorial and other titles See below:-



Ignoring the Siddle part of the family my Great Great Grandfather, on my mother's side of the family, was Captain Robert Newman who skippered the infamous grain barque called the Tiberius out of New York City harbour. This is the grain barque that vanished without a trace, never to be seen again, having left America to set out to sea.


Robert had family in Sunderland, Great Britain, probably some family in America, and his daughter Sarah was born in Alexandria in Egypt aboard a ship. 


This is a report about the disappearance of the Tiberius from New York City:-


The name Siddle indicates a family that originally started in Wessex regions of the south and were then pushed north west and north east during the Saxon period. The name Siddle is generally thought to be a northern name for this reason. This was a time when the country name was Albion and not England, as the country called England was created at about 925 ACE, following the Danelaw Land Settlements agreement.


A More Recent Map of Antiquity showing the ancient country called Albion, for the dark age period, before the creation of England in the year 925 ACE



Map showing the location of Nebraska, in the USA, where I lived for a while before the age of 7


Our family have always held a close affinity to America which is mainly because of a maritime merchant navy connection of parts of the family in previous centuries.
This has led to the situation whereby some of our family are known to be British born and some American. My grandfather Reginald Siddle (deceased) had a brother who still had an American accent as an example. It is because of the movement between countries , due to maritime merchant navy work, in previous centuries, that this is the case.


Indeed, for a while until I reached the age of 7, even I spent time living in Hazard, Nebraska, in the USA. Hazard is

in Sherman County in Nebraska.


This was at a time when my mother, as a qualified teacher in the United Kingdom, was considering growing her teaching career in the USA because of better salary rates. So I joined her for a period of time and lived in the USA in Hazard. 


Relatives, in the USA, had arranged for her to have a 15 year lease stay of an apartment with large car park should she want it back in the 1970's.


It was a really smart apartment with it's own parking lot. Great homely style fittings and really comfortable. However sometimes promises of what could be are more words than actual reality and  we only stayed that one year.


I'd still say that Hazard , in Nebraska, is a pretty cool place to live however! It has been voted one of the best places in the United States to bring up a family and the whole area is very pastural.


It is less developed and more rural like than other areas within America. Arguably there are more opportunities, if you make them for yourself, in a place like Nebraska as it still needs a lot more development.


By the time I reached the age of 7 I met my friend Tina Braybrook  (AKA Tina Kerti) while I was at Primary School back in the United Kingdom.


She lived with her step father over the Road  when I lived on Hammond Way, Market Harborough, in Leicestershire, UK. I married her, as my first wife, around about 9.5 or so years later. 


She had our first son who subsequently died at an early age. She also had Tina, one of  my daughters, who changed her name to Christina and now lives in South Normanton, in Derbyshire, where she had her own children.


As my first family Tina, and the children, lived in Kettering, Northamptonshire, just opposite Park Road Junior School.


Back in the 1980's I was involved in an incident in which my head ended up being cut off from my body in a rural field. Unfortunately , or fortunately, I killed the two farm labourers who led to this outcome.


Air Ambulance arranged for me , and my head, to be flown to an Accident  & Emergency specialist surgery unit. 


Basically the two farm labourers who attacked me were in receipt of a cash payment, from my father, to kill me out in the countryside. The owner of the farm was a client of my father and my father offered the labourers cash, to kill me, when he saw them both crossing the farm yard. 


Following the incident my skull and brain remained the same but some of my other body parts were changed because I was too badly damaged by the two rural labourers. Both of my legs and one arm were smashed.


The outcome of this all was that my head is the only part left intact of the original me as it was stitched on to a newly deceased lower body.


Technically Because I have a heart from one person, lower body from another, and head and brain that I was born with I am categorised as "hybrid human". My finger prints don't match the ones that I was originally born with. I was warned about the serious possibility that parts of my body could reject each other, via the human immune system,  after the surgery.


I don't wish to make people scream, especially, but the one thing I did learn through the episode is that the human brain can still operate the jaw even when detached from the rest of the body. In fact it is still possible to speak for quite a while with the head detached from the rest of the body until eventually falling unconscious.


Not very many people know that!



An unusual outcome came from all of this. I was approached by SIS/MI6 about undertaking occasional work for them abroad in return for State protection from a charge of murder against the two rural workers who caused the incident in a rural field. I accepted.


So back in the 1980's I started to undertake occasional missions as an expenses paid  external  armed agent to Section 6 of the Intelligence Services who are based at Vauxhall Cross in London.


In fact I wasn't an unusual choice for SIS/Mi6 work because in the early 1980's I also did the summer time Anthrax Bomb Spore reading project, for the Ministry of Defence, at Gruinard Island in Scotland.


Another reason why I was selected for the contentious issues external agents list is that , through being in the Royal Air Force Air Training Corps 1084 Squadron, I had previous firearms experience and training going back to the age of 14.


Gruinard Island was a small island requisitioned by the Government in World War Two and used to test a new weapon called the Anthrax Bomb. 


The Entire island was so badly infected with Anthrax spores that breathing in the deadly spores could lead to death.


The testing of the Anthrax Bomb on Gruinard, by the British Army, followed on from a period of time when there were reports in London that Germany was about to unleash a chemical weapon to wipe out large sections of the United Kingdom. 


The island lay contaminated with Anthrax spores , in the soil , for decades and decades.  I undertook logged, and recorded, spore readings to see if it could be cleaned and resold back to the original owner. This eventually involved chemical cleaning and removal of the top soil.


Then in 1986 all top soil was chemically treated / removed and by the year 1990 the island was returned to the original family who owned the island for the price of £500.


For my time while undertaking spore reading/clearance preliminary work I lived on a tent on the island and had to wear a breathing face mask because of the danger of contamination with anthrax.


The headquarters of SIS/MI6 , at Vauxhall Cross back in the 1980's and 1990's, were actually a plain clothes armed forces base that is used mainly for data gathering. I worked for them  in addition to continued work within the property and land industries.


In the United Kingdom SIS/MI6 undertake all intelligence and mission work of an international nature where as Mi5 deal with security issues to the United Kingdom mainland only.


Through the help of SIS/Mi6 I was later switched from the Air Training Corps to the Royal Marine Reserves and offered a commission as an officer. This way I became just a regular armed forces reserve officer with secondary duties to MI6 as an armed agent for missions abroad. This was by assigning me, as an officer, to the Royal Marine Cadets at their headquarters at Deal in Kent.


As I was doing a London based degree , in Land administration, I managed to get all the way up to the level of Commanding Officer of the Kent cadets and was also used for uniformed armed service abroad. My final rank as a uniformed RM reserve was Major as RM Reserve Commanding Officer.


The Kent Cadets HQ was in the Deal vicinity of Kent and the original version of the building was a prefab timber building when I was first assigned to the unit, which would have been about late 1987, or so. I was on their register of personnel up until about the end of the 1990's. I used to commute over from my home address  which at  the time was Teasal Way, West Ham,  in East London.


Initially my commission was given to me at the rank of Lieutenant and the promotion to Major did not occur until after a few years of service with the Royal Marine Reserves.


I also undertook my green beret all arms commando training in order to become an Royal Marines' commando.


Amongst other things I led a beach assault , as operations officer, in the East Mediterranean one summer. The purpose was to knock out a heavy gun emplacement which had been opening fire from the beach.


Basically they had been using heavy artillery to open fire on unarmed Red Cross medical service vessels trying to help, with medical supplies, in the vicinity.


The beach landing was horrendous and we were sitting ducks. People were randomly being blown apart and human limbs were flying into the air together with blood.


My experience with the Mi6, as external armed agent was pretty much the same. It was mainly a heavy job to assassinate people denoted by the Uk state as being a security or terrorist threat to the United Kingdom. Also quite a lot of kidnap release work. I was given use of hand arms, semi automatic rifles, hand grenades, shoulder held rocket launchers, and TNT during my time doing the missions.


SIS, better known as Mi6, have to ensure Diplomatic Immunity from prosecution for overseas staff who are armed. The method of doing this is to grant the basic Knight Bachelor level of knighthood to operatives who go out on field missions.


As many of the operatives are seconded from the armed forces, they are often only paid expenses for their time and not a wage. Hence the granting of the knighthood, which offers international Diplomatic Immunity from Prosecution, is 100% justified for missions abroad.


The SIS operational knighthood should not be confused with the honorary type of knighthood. An honorary knighthood is for high achievement in life for events already carried out often within a career.


An SIS Diplomatic Knighthood gives diplomatic immunity from prosecution to use fire arms, and for difficult negotiations abroad,  on missions and as part of a job.


The knighthood gives the post nominal letters Kt after one's name. Not to be confused with KT which is the Scottish Knight of the Order of the Thistle if both letters K and T are capital letters.


I was knighted in the late 1980's by Prince Philip; better known as the Duke of Edinburgh. SIS run block applications through to the crown for various members of staff for this level of title to be used by operational agents abroad.


Prince Philip did the knighting and this was the only award ceremony he ever carried out of this kind. Really he was only filling in for the Queen , on this occasion, as she was double booked and unable to attend. 


Having been knighted by Prince Philip in the 1980's I had the knighthood re registered for  private document purposes, passport etc, in the year 2003.


In the year 2012 I received an honorary United States of America Master of Arts Degree  in criminal Law and ethics. This being largely on the basis of my previous experience working for  Secret Intelligence Services in London, UK. The degree was mostly work experience based but with an assessment module as well. 


This was followed by A Washington DC ( District of Columbia) affidavit/ apostilization from a United States Public Notary , authenticating the degree for the United Kingdom, in the year 2013. Also the authenticating signature of  the United States Secretary of State at the time,  John Kerry, plus the seal of the District of Columbia.



"I was delighted to be awarded  a United States Law Degree . Firstly because I wish to stay proactive and employable for many years ahead. Secondly because it is a recognition for legal issues that I used to be involved with such as the use of Press Gagging Order "D" notices whilst working as an intelligence agent to SIS/Mi6. 


A "D" notice is a Press Gagging Order which involves legal paper work and a meeting with the Defence Press and Broadcasting Committee(DPBC), to agree the scope of that which has to be banned from publication to members of the public.


With my American Law Degree I now have four degrees. These being a B.Sc (Hons) 2:1 Honours degree in Land Administration from East London University. A M.Soc.Sc Public policy degree (with research) in rural legal  land access rights under the heading of Green Tourism from the University of Birmingham. A Canterbury University Master of Business Administration degree with an emphasis on Property Management & of course an American M.A. in Criminal Law and Ethics. That's the end; no more graduate school stuff or it will get to be too much!


To get on my East London Land Administration degree course I did the B/Tec National Diploma in Business and Finance instead of "A" Levels. This was at Wigston College, Leicestershire. Wigston College went on to become North Warwickshire & South Leicestershire College of Further Education at a later stage.


Because I had been working since the age of 14 "A" levels would not have suited me. The practical hands on B/Tec Business and Finance course, on the other hand, was suitable.


For those who know what East London Culture is actually like, especially where I lived in West Ham, you will realise why my background made me a perfect fit for an East London Surveyor type training and degree! 


Going back to the Secret Intelligence Service/Mi6 ; The geographical areas I covered whilst working on occasional missions for Mi6 included: Africa, Spain, Northern France, Italy, and the USA plus some others. Also a small number of projects in the UK using the rank of  R.M. Major; as a Royal Marine Reserves officer seconded to Intelligence work in plain clothes duty.


The Kent Royal Marines Cadet division that I was attached to have moved head quarters to a different site since the 1980's. Back in the 1980's I was listed as being commanding officer for a little while.This was at our little prefab timber hut in Kent.


This was at a time when I was actually doing armed service abroad as well.  Accordingly I was hardly ever there during my time as Commanding Officer of the cadets. I think in all honesty that the cadets probably preferred a C.O. who wasn't there a lot of the while. They had an easy time of it for a little while.


I was trying to complete an honours degree in Land administration at the same time as a mature student to East London University          ( previously known as both East London Polytechnic and East London Technical College).. However I managed to complete my degree back then is just beyond me! I had so many things going on in my life and so much to do. 


During Mi6 armed agent service in the USA I developed sun stroke whilst riding across America to New York City on a motorbike. This also coincided with an American TV  News Company riding up along side me and interviewing me whilst we travelled along the road to New York City. Over night the sun stroke got worse and led to me hearing the Nevada desert sands whispering to me at the place I chose to sleep out rough. 


For anybody who has never had sun stroke I will tell you. The pupils of the eyes dilate and grow massive and black. The same as would happen if you are physically attracted to a person that you are talking to.  Your pupils lose their ability to adjust in size for a while because of the strength of the sun. 


Anyway I had massive black eyes for about two weeks after sleeping out in the Nevada Desert. It took about two weeks for the size of my pupils to shrink again. In that time I took to wearing dark shades even when I was indoors!


Having arrived in New York city, by motorbike, I booked in to a hotel . Whilst there I decided to hire a car for various reasons. I still had things to do! I got my car contract nicely signed and took it out for a test drive.


However the following morning I got back into the car and I noticed  a suspicious car about 100 yards / 91 metres behind me. 

It had stopped in a weird manner  and was stationary almost in the middle of the road behind me. I watched through my rear view mirror for a little while.


I watched and watched again. Nothing seemed to happen so I decided to get out of my car. As soon as I opened my door  the car behind revved to maximum acceleration , thrust forward, and smashed into me ripping my driver's door off completely. 


I wasn't killed but that seemed to be end of the New York City driving for the time being.


I have never really sorted out in my mind as to whether it was an insurance scam or just an American Intelligence Officer trying to prevent a United Kingdom Intelligence Officer from being mobile in New York City. 


Since the time of the incident I have been told that New York had a policy of ramming the cars of foreign suspicious undesirables that they didn't want on the city roads back then. This they did by using a second hand car with a front bumper  loaded with precast concrete in order to ram, and disable, the car that they were told to get off the New York city road network. It was very effective!


As I said most of my Intelligence work was abroad for Mi6 but there is a cross over of duties and sometimes I found myself working in the UK for an odd mission or project.


On one occasion I was given a street surveillance job in London observing passes by to a London street from a vacant apartment window. This coincided with my wife/ex wife Tina finishing a filming contract abroad ( for her acting career) and she wanted to visit me; which a marital spouse, or similar, was allowed to do.


Little did I know that somebody else had already observed that I was observing and that I had become targeted from over the road.


Upon her visit one day I observed a red illuminated circle to suddenly appear on her clothing where she was standing at the back of the apartment. I instantly knew that it was a rifle laser sight which meant that somebody was about to open fire. I had used laser sight technology hundreds of times myself so my reaction was second nature.


I shouted to her "duck" and she said "you what"!


I shouted  to her a second time and she said "don't talk to me like that"!


I shouted again and pushed her down to the floor.


As I did several bullets came smashing through the window from the other side of the road. 


The property that the bullets came from was another apartment on the other side of the road. At no time had I been told that there would be anybody else from SIS/Mi6 in the vicinity so my assumption was that it was a foe; obviously the bullets fired confirmed this fact in my mind.


What the people over the road didn't realise, and apparently there were a few people in the property observing me, was that I was armed with not only firearms but also  with what was, at the time, a new type of shoulder launched missile that was property friendly!


It basically blasts a fireball which incinerates human flesh but leaves brick and plaster intact. This being in order to prevent a fire that would spread and burn down an entire apartment block potentially.


I picked up a shoulder launched property friendly rocket and blew the apartment over the road away.


Most people died instantly apart from one man, who wasn't with the others, who went back to the room where the observation point had been and opened the door to it. As he opened the door a fireball burst out of the observation room, from my rocket's impact explosion, and burnt him to a black charcoal before the flames vanished as quickly as they had started.


This was the beauty of this  device. It was designed to avoid a spread of flames after impact. Job done; End of!


Summer 1988 was a bad year for me. Having agreed to complete an armed mission abroad for SIS/Mi6 I got back to the UK to find that my father had permanently banned me from visiting his family home. This gave me a problem as student accommodation was not available during the summer vacation time out in East London as a matter of policy.


The reason he banned me , from the family home,  is that I had become too well known in the national newspapers of various countries around the world because of doing kidnap release work, and similar, abroad.


He didn't like it so decided to disown me as his son completely.


I couldn't get my usual student apartment back until autumn and I was feeling rough and had no money  having come directly back from an overseas mission for Mi6. So I decided to live rough by the river Thames until autumn term at the University.


I kept the company of meths drinkers, and tramps, for that time next to the river Thames in central London. Nice and warm under second hand cardboard boxes and listening to the ripples of the river and the singing of the meths drinkers around a make shift fire every evening.


During my time sleeping rough by the river Thames I witnessed two deaths at night. One time a man who had been drinking meths just fell into the river and died instantly. Another time a young professional , drunk as a skunk, came over from the city with his girlfriend and started shouting abuse at the down and outs around the evening fire.


Having shouted at them , in drunken tones, one of the down and outs stood up and stabbed him to death with a knife. The others around the fire just carried on singing and paid no attention to the murder. His girlfriend ran away screaming as his suited body fell to the pavement dead.



I later on befriended a down and out who moved over to Stratford, East London, from Sidcup.


He got himself set up with a nice, but very rough, terraced townhouse in stratford with his fiance and her Alsatian dog for security. He always used to insist on drinking barley wine at the local pubs around Maryland and Stratford.


I often thought he should have worked on a farm because he would have suited it with his taste in drink. Not live in a city! 


I never cared whether I was talking to a down and out or a city billionaire. I don't ever change the way I speak to suit people and alternate between high and low whenever I feel like doing so.

When I was stationed at Holyroodhouse Palace, In Edinburgh of Scotland, an incident occurred in which a supposed security man drew a razor sharp Commando knife and headed towards the Queen mother back in the 1980's. I shot the man dead using my Beretta revolver that I had in my suit jacket. As was my job in such an instant. 


The Queen Mother ( meaning mother to Queen Elizabeth II) thereafter sent me several letters, and telephoned, and I was invited to stay at the Holyroodhouse Palace again. I had a bedroom to the right of the front elevation in one of the corner towers on the first floor.


For those who don't remember the Queen Mother she was the widowed wife of King George VI. She spent all of her time living in Scotland after the death of her husband. I last heard from her , on the telephone, in the mid 1990's. She later died on the 30th March 2002.


To talk to she was a fun loving person and had a naughty habit dating back to the death of her husband King George VI. Her husband George VI had always been partial to a large good quality cigar.


After his death she missed the man so bitterly that carried on keeping a large box of best cigars where ever she travelled.


Every now and then she used to light one up and take a few puffs on it herself then laugh. It probably gave her a sense of comfort and a feeling that her husband was still alive and in the room in some way.


I shared a cigar , about three times, whilst visiting her at Holyroodhouse Palace, Scotland, back in the 1980's. I think she used to light the thing and then imagine her dead husband whilst walking around the Palace grounds.


The Palace, in Scotland, is a very lonely place for a widow to be wandering around.


Her full name was Elizabeth  Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon and she was born on the 4th August 1900.


By the time I stayed at Holyroodhouse Palace Scotland was already very much a known place to me. This was because my very first work for the Ministry of Defence/Intelligence Services was a project on Gruinard Island in Scotland as already mentioned.



While I was taking my airborne spore readings people kept turning up to the island without a breathing mask and these people became instantly infected with Anthrax.


There is no known cure for Anthrax spore infection. Those who don't wear a face mask can even die within a couple of months of infection. Either that or they end up spending the whole of the rest of their life with a lung and throat fungal infection that flares up from time to time.


Before decontamination , of Gruinard Island, the air was quite clear of spores for most of the year. This being because the Anthrax Bomb spores mainly lie in the ground. However once a year, in a specific season, the spores take to the air and are carried. At such a time the island became completely and utterly deadly to human beings.



The United Kingdom medical profession work on the basis that they can manage the worst of the symptoms of Pulmonary Anthrax , using medications, but never cure it.


After undertaking Mi6 armed work missions in Italy I arrived back in the United Kingdom in a very dishevelled state. Especially after having been thrown into the sand 5 miles from the Italian coast, and abandoned there, by a four wheel drive vehicle. I had severe sun stroke and was browner than the average African berber. By the time I reached the British Embassy in London  I also had a full beard.


On the flight back from Italy to Heathrow Airport I was beaten up outside a toilet because I hadn't had a wash in ages and was smelling worse than manure.


On reaching the British Embassy in London I was accused of being a foreigner by the Embassy staff who kept on and on about the fact that a place over the road could help foreign people, like me, to gain UK naturalisation if I went over there instead. The name Siddle is synonymous with dark age Saxon Period Britons who have lived here since at least the 6th century, by historical records, and probably much much earlier! This is our country as the indigenous original population and race.


Eventually I refused to move from the British Embassy doorstep until the Embassy staff arranged for me to be arrested by the Police. That is what I wanted because I could finally get a wash and shave and something to eat.


Most of my armed service , for Mi6, was between 1985 and 1992 with a final armed recall around the year 2001. Between 1985 and 1992 I was armed with my own Beretta Revolver 12 months per year. After 1992 I just used a hand arm issued by the SIS armory on an as and when needed basis for assigned missions.


Around the year 2000/2001 I was called by SIS for one final armed engagement. In fact I received a phone call of a threatening nature from Vauxhall Cross, the SIS/Mi6 headquarters, in London. They said that they required me to "clean up the mess" from a people I had had an involvement with from years ago! I wasn't willing , or interested, but eventually agreed to do the mission.


I normally undertook armed work abroad but this time the mission was to deal with problematic illegal aliens in Wolverhampton.


A number of foreign nationals, without British Nationality or passports, had taken over an office block and  were refusing to leave having stopped paying rent. They were also using Wolverhampton University students, UK, as prostitutes in a pimp set up run from a bed and breakfast over the road from the commercial office property.


Basically they advertised jobs in the financial services sector , new graduates would turn up for an interview, the new graduates would then be put on the game as a prostitute working from the bed and breakfast establishment over the road. They were also armed with American hand arms.


The mission was to enter the commercial property and ensure that the  armed illegal aliens all vacated so that the property could be put back on to a rent earning status again.


I told Mi6 that if there was more than one of the guys shacked up in the office block then I couldn't do the job with my usual hand arm because I would never get out of the office building alive. They refused to give me what I wanted so I said again that there was zero prospect of getting out of the office block alive for this mission. SIS armoury relented and allowed me to have what I requested. I requested a standard issue , fast action, armed forces submachinegun.


The job involved blasting a grappling hook launcher rope over a rear car park and straight through the second floor window of a locked up, but occupied, second floor commercial office window. I was then to pull it tight, aided by one other person who was to remain at the other side of the car park, then launch myself over through the second floor window using the winch wheel system and  ensure that the illegal aliens were removed from the premises.


Having entered the property , through the smashed second floor window, I was met by three foreign occupants. One muttered something and another reached into his suit jacket for what I assumed would turn out to be a hand arm. I was right! 


Without speaking a single word I eliminated all unauthorised people before they could return fire. I gave a 4 to 5 second burst of fire from my submachine gun then left the building having completed the task . End of!


This incident, in Wolverhampton, was fully witnessed by West Midlands Police Constabulary and was not  especially subject to a press gagging "D" Order. Hence it was in many of the local West Midlands newspapers at the time.


After this mission I said that I would not be willing to do anymore armed work especially. The longer one carries out missions with firearms the higher the statistical odds get of being killed half way through a mission!


I put in a complaint about the Wolverhampton mission because as far as I was concerned, and even though the mission involved foreign nationals, Mi6 should be working on missions abroad only. Hence as far as I was concerned the mission that I had just completed should have been carried out by Mi5 and not mi6.


My time in Africa , for Mi6, at one stage led to me making an escape over the Western Sahara from armed personnel trying to track me down from further south. My first introduction to the Western Sahara Desert was therefore to bury myself in the sand so that I could not be seen by an Army jeep.


I found an old military coloured rimmed hat and put it over my nose. working my arms like a butterfly until I had pushed lots of sand over myself to conceal the whole of my body except for my nose, to breath, which was hidden under the old hat. This way my nose would have been the only visible part of my body and that was covered by the hat.


It worked; they shouted from the jeep for about ten minutes then drove straight by the hat that they saw sitting on the desert sand in the morning sun.


Having later befriended  a Sahari Bedouin tribe of berbers in the Western Sahara we all told tales and stuff about our cultures. I managed to get them to give me right to cross the desert and aimed for the Palace of Moulay Hassan II , in Morocco, to seek protection while I decided on what to do next.


Later I was adopted by the Sahari Berbers I met as one of their own and also King Moulay Hassan II agreed that I could marry his only daughter from his first marriage. King Hassan II was married twice and most of the present Moroccan Princes are a product of his marriage to the second wife.


The first wife , Lalla Fatima bint Qaid Ould Hassan Amhourak , only had one daughter, my Lalla Merriam, who I later married. This being my second marriage in life as Tina Braybrook, the actress and model, was my first. She used to send me beautiful letters before our marriage. Sadly later she died at the Royal Palace in Rabat, Morocco.


In order to marry into the Alaouite Royal family of Morocco, and become the son in law of  King Moulay Hassan II, one may assume that it would be difficult for somebody who was first and foremost originally Roman Catholic. Not so as far as I was concerned! In order  for the marriage to go ahead I had to read and learn Islamic scripture and be able to recite the Shahada. I also had to accept that there is only one almighty which I did anyway.


There are five "pillars of faith" or things that "should be done" in the Islamic faith and culture. A pillar is an "act" or a thing that should be done within one's lifetime ideally.


I completed all five Pillars of faith whilst I was staying in North Africa. The final stage is pilgrimage. For this Moulay Hassan II, my father in law, took me to Mecca in the palace jet and I explored the entire region.


Technically I am a confirmed Roman Catholic, carried out by Our Lady of All Victories at Market Harborough, Leicestershire in the early 1980's but also a Alaouite, from a conversion to Islam, because of the Islamic requirement of Morocco. 


At the end of the day there is only one almighty hence the divisions between religions are merely a matter of  a human disagreement.


Morocco's Royal Family are descendants of the Alaouite dynasty which has been ruling since 1631 when it's founder, Moulay Ali Cherif, became Prince of Tafilalt. 


In order to become an Alaouite Prince the Palace Imam, at Rabat, had to be satisfied that I had met all religious requirements in order to be allowed to take up this role in life. 


I studied under an Imam for some time during my stay in Morocco in order to be allowed to become a member of the household of my father in law King Moulay Hassan II; my father in law , and friend, since stumbling in from the desert sands of the Western Sahara one summer. 


Islam does not care for Prince or Princess titles which may surprise many in the west.


A royal title is secular where as the Alaouite dynasty is partly religious to Islamic history and culture. Accordingly it is not necessary to be a Prince of the Royal House of Alaouite in order to be part of the Islamic Alaouite dynasty history and culture.


King Hassan II was determined to be a modern monarch and not a product of bygone times. To this end he became one of the first kings 

to have a personal patent registration made in the United States. This was for a medical aid that he had invented himself that combines a video camera with heart rate monitor to help heart patients, athletes, and sports people. 


I tried to persuade him to register the invention  patent in the United Kingdom but he was determined to use the American patent system at the time. My father in law believed in spreading things around the world so that Morocco could be better connected and more international within it's dealings all around the world:-


Moulay Hassan, my father in law, died on the 23rd July 1999. His second marriage son Prince Mohammed VI , my brother in law, went on to be the new King of Morocco. Before becoming King he obtained a degree in France whilst his father was still alive. 


King Mohammed VI obtained a Phd in law with distinction on 29th October 1993 from the French University of Sophia Antipolis for his thesis "EEC-Maghreb Relations". 


At this time I was doing my Masters Degree , in the UK, with research into rural land access legislation under the broad heading of green tourism. I have degrees from East London , Birmingham, Canterbury University and America as well.


My father in law lived from the 9th July 1929 to the 23rd July 1999. He was King of Morocco between 1961 and 1999. Whilst his wife Princess Lalla Latifa Amahzoun ( Lalla Hammou) was the natural mother of King Mohammed Vi King Hassan had more than one wife.


It is the other side of the family, and his first wife, that I was a family member to. 


In the official history of the Moroccan Royal Family no children were produced by the first wife of Moulay Hassan my father in law. However in the true life history of King Hassan II his first wife had one daughter who subsequently died at the Royal Palace in Rabat.


She is rarely mentioned in official records because after the death of her mother she turned on the King, her father, in an act of treason.

King Hassan II had her put to death by Moroccan Army firing squad on the criminal charge of treason.


Thereafter I became the only survivor of this side of the family. I was with her during the final 15 minutes of her life before the Moroccan army shot her dead. She died swiftly and did not suffer for a prolonged period of time.


Other members of the family of my deceased wife , in Morocco, died in the Middle East. A bombing campaign wiped out all of her remaining relatives at an oasis. A large white painted homestead property was bombed at the Ou Oum Oasis and I was made to listen as they called me on field radio phone.


I heard the screams as they were blown apart, and arms and legs were blown off with the explosions. Eventually the field radio itself went quiet as presumably it was blown to pieces. The occupants, my other relatives, were unarmed and the army doing the bombing were Israel.


Many people don't realise that the Moroccan State is officially Islamic but also conceals one of the biggest Jewish' communities outside of Israel. The majority of the occupants at the Ou Oam Oasis massacre were Jewish Moroccan citizens who were murdered by the army of Israel. So Jews opened fire with missiles and bombs on other unarmed Jews and that is the way this world of ours is!


My second marriage in Rabat, Morocco, was photographed and in the press world wide. I adopted a completely Moroccan style of clothing which was the correct thing to do in Barbary/Maghreb.


My father in law , Moulay Hassan , had all of my wedding day Moroccan clothing tailored in Morocco, by specialist tailors and the cost was met by the Royal Palace account in Rabat. 


Because my association with the Moroccan Crown was originally connected to the western Sahara Bedouin desert tribes something was left as a gift in the desert after the wedding. A cairn of stones was erected in the western Sahara desert to celebrate the wedding in Morocco. Whether this is still standing all these years on I really would not know!


I have been married twice and my first wife was Tina Braybrook ( AKA Tina Kerti). Tina was a fashion model , and actress, both in the United Kingdom and the USA. 


She was half African because her father, who was born in Africa, was a dark skinned man. Her mother was a light skinned blonde haired woman. In fact most people that I have ever been close to have always had some form of connection to Africa in all honesty.


I had known Tina since the age of 7 or 8 and at the start we couldn't bear to be without each other and used to chatter and chatter all of the while.


Whilst Tina was the actress and not me I did have a period of time when I did stunt work which appears on many of her films. Basically cars jumping cars, guys falling from high rise buildings, motorbikes jumping through hoops of fire or over cars. That sort of thing! Also crashing cars of a cliff into the sea which was quite fun. 


I wasn't frightened to do it and the film producers took advantage to use as many of the shots that I did in as many different films as they possibly could. So that they could get their monies worth.


For  while I had Equity membership to do this. This was by attaching me to her card policy on a temporary basis. As everybody knows film production is union led and it is not possible to do film acting , or even stunts, in the UK without an Equity Card or Union membership of some form.


We both saw much of the USA, and much of the UK, and she did Hollywood acting for films; but not normally the lead acting role..  The acting was all  pretty much over by the time she was 32.




Andrew Siddle                                              02/03/24


R.M. Reserves Major Andrew Siddle. Seconded to Mi6/SIS as armed plain clothes contentious issues external agent; between 1985 and 2001




The above autobiography contains items of history that are protected by the Official Secrets Act 1911 and the Official Secrets Act 1989. Under these Acts of Parliament some work carried out by Secret Intelligence Services, or Mi6 of Vauxhall Cross of London, is subject to twenty years of sworn secrecy by external Intelligence Agents. Also some aspects are subject to fifty years of sworn secrecy. Further more some events , subject to the Official Secrets Acts, may never be revealed to the public if of high enough military security grading! This autobiography contains only twenty year secrecy rule events that have already passed the required twenty years rule; also historical events that have already appeared in the International Press and hence are classified as non sensitive. All of these matters are also subject to the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021 as well.









Media Album



(1980's through to the present)


Below is a 1980's photo view of  my first wife Tina Braybrook ( AKA Kerti) , and me,  when she was working as a model and actress both in the USA and the UK. The scene was used both in an American Movie and also a similar photograph used for marketing of a well known American Country music album. She was paid rather a large fee for the photo shoot at the time and the photo appears on the album sleeve cover. I was divorced from her years ago and I gave her an out of court lump sum as final settlement.



1980's Music?


Andrew Siddle      17/06/23


1980's music? I never got into it too much personally. The late 1960's and early 1970's  "hippy-esque" rock bands were much better in my opinion. In fact when punk rock arrived, at around 1977/1978 or so, I boycotted it completely from my life, and was still listening to  Emerson Lake and Palmer and Crosby Stills and Nash epic albums from the early seventies. There again  I  also prefer "Blues" and "R & B" to pop anyway. J J Cale will always be on my music list even 50 years on from now.


Having said all of that this track, by Mental as Anything, seemed to stir a wee tad of heart string from me at the time of the 1980's though (maybe). So I suppose if I wanted to choose a pop track to sum up the time , back then, then this one would be one of my main choices that would do I guess. It was made famous when it appeared on the Crocodile Dundee series of films:-



I knew the lead singer of Mental as Anything, from a chance meeting in a private first floor night club in the early 1980's. I was under age to be in the club , which I didn't tell anybody, and he was an established singer song writer from Australia.


I staged an event in which I paid the D. J. at the club to let me grab the microphone towards the end of the evening and did a song improvisation in front of everybody dedicated to a little black haired Italian female sitting watching. (By the time I left school , at 16, I had already been working for two years, having two part time jobs including working evenings in a fish & chip shop. That is how I could afford to bribe the night club D. J. , which I did, and in my view of the time was really no longer a school kid.)


It went down ok but I then had a major argument with Andy who couldn't stand the way that "us lot" lived/were living. I challenged him to do a commercial song about his objections but turn it into a comedy video because I felt that he was a bore with all of his complaints. I just couldn't stand his continuous moaning about everything. He did it.


The video above is the one he did as a result of my complaints about his continuous moaning about everything that he saw in life.


Andy "Greedy" Smith, as he was known by the band, died in 2019 of a heart attack at the age of 63.


One result of the night club singing was that I was offered a small friday and saturday evening job doing "mood movement" background electric guitar a little later on when they turned the night club into more of a weekend evening "eatery".


All the owner wanted was electric guitar slow riffs and twangs in the background while people sat eating. I did that and some finger picking on my steel strings.


It went well till the locals started to get sick of it so the owner decided to go back to silence and just have the happy diners chatting while they eat instead of ambient background guitar sounds.


So I put my shiny gloss black Les Paul Repro Electric Guitar back to bed in it's case for a while; Yawn!


All of this took place on Market Harborough High Street in south Leicestershire. The night club was one of those property conversion type places over the high street shops that often come over as quite trendy for a while when they first start up.




Andrew Siddle   




Lindisfarne Christmas Show with guest Andrew Siddle, on Vocals and Electric Guitar, - De Montfort Hall, Leicester City - 1986



Back in the 1970's, 1980's, and ever since also I have been a major fan of the folk rock band called Lindisfarne , from North East England, and especially their hit singles "Meet me on the Corner" and similar. Having attended a Lindisfarne Band Christmas show one year , in the 1980's, the band asked me to play with them , as a Christmas Show Special Guest, on stage in front of  a whole audience who heard their invite by microphone!


I agreed to do it. Of a Christmas Show tour of the Uk that they did, I did guitar and vocals for the entire evening at De Montfort Hall in Leicester City UK for two weeks.


At the time I was considering whether my life was best spent in either the music industry or in the property Industry. The guys in Lindisfarne were perfectly happy to have me for the Leicester City Christmas show playing live that year.


I later decided to drop music and just base my career on property and land projects. However at the time I had a Les Paul Repo guitar, four track recording deck and special effects pedals for the electric guitar.


I was not brilliant but having been told the correct key for each song that the band played I actually got a review from another source for the two Christmas shows that I did with Lindisfarne that was good! Also some photos that the Lindisfarne band still have somewhere or other. I enjoyed it; it was good!


Lindisfarne changed the advertising bill board from "Lindisfarne Christmas Show" to "Lindisfarne Plus Special Guest Andrew Siddle - The Christmas Show" , or words to that effect, and I was very much over the moon as I had never had my name spread around on a music gig city poster before. 


As I remember it the Lindisfarne Christmas show was at Demontfort Hall ,  Leicester City, in December 1986. This was the same time that Lindisfarne Band were promoting a new album called Dance Your Life Away. Although it wasn't originally scheduled we then did an extra show at Demontfort  Hall making two shows in the one city that year:-


( Above is the official 1986 Lindisfarne Christmas Show Programme and tour guide . As can be seen the Demontfort Hall Christmas show was on the 9th of December 1986 ).

(Above - Christmas show crowds outside the venue in Newcastle)


The Mystery of the origin of Natalie Imbruglia  song “Torn” solved?



"Torn" written by Edna, founder member  of the original line up of the band Ednaswap, in Los Angeles - USA, circa 1984/1985

(Edna was a full time nurse at Los Angeles Hospice, CA,  USA, from the 1980's onwards!)


Andrew Siddle                                                                                                                                                        31/12/22



Ednaswap was a rock band from Los Angeles, United States, that existed between 1993 and 1998. Over a span of five years, the band released four major label records on East West, Elektra Records and Island Records. However there was an older line up of the Ednaswap band back in 1980's.This is when the song Torn was written.


"As I remember it the lead singer with Ednaswap, had a job at a local American hospice as a nurse, before she started to sing with the other members of the band.....


My first wife Tina Braybrook (Aka Tina Kerti) was receiving treatment at the same hospital in between acting parts in London and American film sets. She got to chatting to my first wife and in some way this inspired her to start to sing.


The Already Torn song revolves around a conversation , about life, that the Ednaswap lead singer had with Tina when Tina was under going mental health therapy at the hospice that she was working in.. It is good that the inspiration for the song came!


However , as with many people suffering mental health issues, my first wife wasn't making complete sense and wasn't telling the whole truth in her conversation all of those years back at the hospice..


The nurse who was the first singer in Ednaswap in the 1980's did not carry on with the band and was later replaced. The band stopped when the nurse left; then reformed later with a new lead singer ready for the 1990's.


So the original writer of "Torn" disappeared back into working life in Los Angeles whereas the Ednaswap band went on to later produce albums with the song on. Great song though!...


Who cares what inspired Ednaswap to write it when they did so at the end of the day... (" Illusion never changed into something real" should give you an indication of the kind of chat that my wife Tina had with her at the hospital before the song was put to music all of those many many years ago.....time flies and Tina has a different first name and doesn't do acting much anymore...all in

the past).


The band Ednaswap had already existed , with a different lead singer, before the new line up that started to release albums in 1993. 


A number of people have assumed, over the years, that Anne Preven was something to do with

the writing of this song as second lead singer of Ednaswap. In fact she played on this fact at a music industry interview in London. She didn't write it. 


I was there when the first lead singer of the band wrote it because I visited my wife in Los Angeles and met the nurse who wrote it at the hospice where my wife was being treated.


The problem was that the nurse who wrote "Torn", "which is just the things that my wife said set to music all those years back in Los Angeles Hospice in the1980's", was an employee of the hospice company that Anne Preven's father controlled. Accordingly Anne wanted her to stop writing music and wanted her to disappear back in to the working masses! End of!


I never especially liked Anne and I never will all that much. If ever I have to sit in a restaurant, or bar, with Anne Preven and collegaues, she always does the same thing! She calls me by her nickname for me which was always Andy Pandy back then when we were sitting around in Los Angeles. "Andy Pandy" is a British children's television series that premiered on BBC TV in summer 1950...;). I also used to call her "looby Loo" in return...


What we can say is that the song "Torn" is an Ednaswap song but that is was written in the 1980's before Anne Preven was anything to do with the song. 


Also that Ednaswap have never had copyright rights to the song because the original nurse/band member who penned the words left and ceased to be in the music industry.


Natalie Imbruglia, from Australia, later did a cover version of this song but the original was written in a hospice, in Los Angeles, where my first wife was receiving mental health therapy. 


It was the nurse who treated my wife who went on to

write and sing "Torn" as the band Ednaswap. It is just my wife's words during a conversation at the hospice set to music.


"I was there in Los Angeles, USA, visiting my wife when the song was written!"


While in America  I saw Ednaswap  both on stage and off stage as well. No big deal!


I appeared on stage with  Ednaswap in the mid 1980's in Los Angeles, USA. This was the original band and not the 1990's line up. I did a comedy take appearing in a pretend drunk state and throwing dollar notes at the audience in pretend annoyance which they reacted to by grabbing for the money.


I think it was in the year 1984 that  I performed the gig dates with the original line up of Ednaswap and the work rate was fast moving from club to club. In fact it was too fast! I did electric guitar  and vocals.  Los Angeles and the surrounding area gave a brilliant enthusiastic response to the band. By the time we got over to New York City the enthusiasm was much less and the reception to the band not so good.


Because New York music scene were determined to not like a West Coast Band the audience were awful in New York City and Anne Preven , doing vocals, looked as if she was going to cry at one stage.


I put my guitar down completely and in a theatrical way walked over with my head down and a microphone in my hand. I then stood behind her with my back to her while she faced the audience.


I then muffled my microphone and pointed it the wrong way to make it sound as if I was in the distance when I sang. I slowly started to sing the song Torn with no music backing and still muffling the microphone with my hands.


Having done this for a few lines I bumped her butt  with my behind to make her laugh, and cheer her up, she instantly started to join in with me singing a duo with me.


We both started doing the words to the song Torn, in the middle of New York City, on the stage, and the rest of the band started playing musical backing by this stage. The few people in the audience stared with their mouths open because we went to town and the performance was too good.


However there was no way we could save it as New York didn't want a West coast band muscling in on the New York music scene. It was actually starting to cost the band money to be in New York.


I called it a day and went over to the UK. Anne Preven took until 1993 before she picked up the song Torn again, and other songs, and produced the first Ednaswap studio album of all of this stuff.


However 1984 was the end of the original band because New York city gave a bad review and killed it off.

I gave it up and  I went back to full time study to get a business and Finance Qualification back in the United Kingdom.


Having said that in 1986 I was back on stage in Leicester City as a guest of the electric folk rock band Lindisfarne so I carried on for a few years with bits and pieces on my guitar.


I also did an improvised spoken nonsense rhyme rap , for Ednaswap,  called "The Adols".  Adols are an imaginary condition in life that all should profess to want!  ;) ( in other words a joke improvised on the spot). This was in Los Angeles and improvised on the stage where we were performing in a club.


Because I got the rhyme , and rhythm, right some in the audience actually started to dance to the microphone poem/rap the Adols! I didn't however want to be a permanent member of the band as I was only there for a while. The Adols has no musical backing and is just a rap style to get the beat that gets them dancing.


I don't know whether there are still any recordings of the Nonsense stuff the Adols. Anne Preven would know that. I do however know that after I did the improvised version, on stage, a recorded version was later released using a different vocalist. So Whilst I wasn't on it a recording was eventually made and released to the public later on.


Whether this still exists now I wouldn't know though.


Tina, my first wife, was standing behind the curtain , to one side of the stage, and handed me the beer bottles and money to throw about while I did the Adols rap. 


The last time I heard from Ednaswap was in the 1990's , from the new line up of the band just before they released the album Wacko Magneto, when they were designing the sleeve cover for the album.


Wacko Magneto was finally produced around 1996/1997. I got a phone call from Los Angeles to my home number in the UK when the album cover was first being designed. They were all excited about the graphics for the new album cover. A concept album embodying Hippy-esque graphics into an imagery that had to be part of the new  modern "Grunge" style music movement of the time as well!


As well as other band members Anne Preven stayed in touch until the 1990's as well. She was still phoning me up in the UK! Same problem! I practically had to tell them all to "get lost" because I was just too busy and had a bigger need to generate money than go travelling over to the USA again at that time.


I was trying to get qualifications to do a RICS surveying graduate course in East London, being sent abroad to do casual plain clothes military armed SIS / Mi6 work including kidnap release, and trying to hold together what little money I had as some sort of fiscal juggling act.


Anne Preven always had a little secret that she does from time to time. If she ever doesn't get her way, or things don't go her way in life, she makes a little whimpering noise, just as a joke, like a puppy dog. It usually lightens up any bad feeling! I've heard her doing it on the telephone and also whilst sitting with her, and the others, in a restaurant in Los Angeles.


As a final note; the lyrics to the song Torn which takes the words of my wife while she was in a mental health hospice in Los Angeles, use the lyric line "the prefect sky is torn". I want to elucidate what she was talking about.


By the time of the Ednaswap song called Torn, by the original line up of Edna - Swap in the 1980's, I was both into original hippy bands and also New age culture and music as a 1960's guy. In fact the reference to "the Perfect Sky" is a reference to what I always later used to say about John Lennon lyrics in one of his latter day songs in which he says "For the Other Half of the Sky!"


The reference to the "perfect Sky" is a reference to the split of all things between Yin and Yang or masculine and feminine gender objects and energies. The lyric line "perfect sky is torn" means that the whole thing is off and "no longer" as far as my first wife Tina was concerned with her  problems.



"I think it was in the year 1984 that  I performed the gig dates with the original line up of Ednaswap and the work rate was fast moving from club to club. In fact it was too fast! I did electric guitar  and vocals.  Los Angeles and the surrounding area gave a brilliant enthusiastic response to the band. By the time we got over to New York City the enthusiasm was much less and the reception to the band not so good."


Andrew Siddle                                                                                                        11/01/23


Anne Preven



Photograph of Anne Preven - Musician , song writer , and producer.


Back in the 1980's/1990's she used to call me Andy Pandy and I used to reply , when in the mood, by calling her Looby Loo in return.


The song Torn was written by a nurse called Edna employed by a hospice under the control of Anne Preven's father in Los Angeles. I believe the nurse may still live in Los Angeles but does not work at the same place. Unfortunately the song "Torn" used the words of my wife who was a patient there at Los Angeles Hospice in between film contracts.


Anne's father stopped the using of the words of a patient in a song by demanding that the nurse stop all involvement in the music industry. She gave up being a singer and just carried on with her job as a Hospice nurse. A few Years later Anne Preven picked the song up again and it was used in a new version of Torn with a new band line up and recording contract in 1993. At no stage did my wife object to the use of her words as the lyrics to the song.


"So; the person who wrote Torn was Edna, a mental health hospice nurse and it was written at Los Angeles Hospice around about the mid 1980's. Anne Preven's father was in charge of professional ethics for  the hospice and demanded that Edna either give up singing on stage or lose her job with the hospice. That is who wrote the song and I was there, visiting my wife who was a patient at the hospice, when she wrote it!"



  Photos - Changing Face of Time



Photographs, of the changes of time, from the early 1980's onwards!

Bad mirrors don't make good photos :)


The above link is to the website of the Property Consultants Society. I have been a member since the year 1990 and the Society was first incorporated on the 26th day of April 1954.. The Property Consultants Society act as an "umbrella" membership society for anybody who works in the Property and land industries at a qualified level. As an example a Chartered Surveyor , Master Builder on a building site, Chartered Engineer, or Chartered Accountant may wish to be a member if their category of work includes Property Consultancy. There is also a membership level for students wishing to qualify to work within the property and land industries. A property Consultant may be somebody who works for a client, employer, as an independent Consultant, or in partnership with others on a self employed basis for land and property projects. 



Books and Poetry by Andrew Siddle



Poetry books written by Andrew Siddle.

The Travelling Man Series - Eclectic poetry by Andrew Siddle in four volumes with illustrations and author's comments ( or distant ramblings as they are!).




The African Royal House of Alaouite, Morocco, Maghreb, North Africa



The link below leads to the official Arab history of the Royal Alaouite dynasty in Morocco, North Africa. As son in law of the now deceased King Hassan II I am the brother in law of the Monarch King Mohammed Vi  from my second marriage. After an exchange of letters I married King Hassan's daughter  from his first wife's side of the family. King Hassan's first wife was called Lalla Fatima bint Qaid Ould Hassan Amhourak. She bore no son but a daughter called Lalla who was my second wife in life. Lalla, my wife, later died at the Royal Palace of Rabat following a number of problematic incidents. I am the last survivor of the Hassan/Amhourak Alauoite family since the death of my wife Lalla in the 1990's. All other members of the Royal family were produced by the second wife of the King who was cousin to my mother in law Lalla Amhourak. My brother in law King  Mohammed VI was the son of the second wife of Moulay Hassan II, Lalla Latifa Amahzoun (Lalla Hammou), so technically is a different family unit to me. Moulay Hassan, my father in law, later died on July 23rd 1999.  Photographs of the wedding are still held in Saudi Arabia by the Royal House of Saud. The Alauoite Royal family, in Morocco, moved on to the family of the second wife of King Hassan II . Hence they no longer hold photographs of matters relating to King Hassan's first wife who died together with her daughter my wife. Below are official tourist photos of the Royal House of Alaouite Palace at Rabat. Also of my Father in law from my second marriage King Moulay Hassan II, The Palace of Rabat, Morocco, was my home and where I was staying at the time of my marriage to Lalla the only daughter of King Hassan by his first marriage. Lalla was executed by a Moroccan State firing squad on the proven charge of Treason against the Moroccan State and my Father in Law King Hassan II. I was with her during her final fifteen minutes of life which she spent in a secure cell before being taken out to be shot. She refused to stop saying the things that she was and refused to apologise. Her death was swift and she did not suffer.

(The photo on the bottom centre was an officially photographed public meeting between my father in law , King Moulay Hassan II, and the United Kingdom Monarch of my country Queen Elizabeth II on an official visit in 1980)


Picture of the official coat of arms of the Royal House of Alaouite in Morocco.



The current coat of arms of Morocco as at 2018 (formally, the royal coat of arms) was introduced 14 August 1957. It was developed by the graphic artists Gauthier and Hainaut and shows a green pentagram, specifically a two-dimensional Penrose pentacle on a red background before the Atlas Mountains and a rising sun. The royal crown is on top. Two lions function as the holders of the shield. On the ribbon underneath, the Arabic inscription is written: (Arabic: إن تنصروا الله ينصركم‎) (If you glorify God, He will glorify you) (Quran, Verse 7, Sura 47).


The Western Sahara Desert and Morocco to the North



Photos and map of the Western Sahara , in North Africa, and Morocco. As clear in my memory now as the day I ventured over the sands back in the late 1980's. Adopted by the Sahari berbers and then made Part of the family of Moulay Hassan II by virtue of the only daughter of his first wife. The Western desert either works for people or it doesn't. For me it is wild and beautiful. To many people it is just frightening. That is the difference.



The Manorial Guild  Manorial Roll



The following link is to the Manorial Guild website. They are based at Newport , Gwent, South Wales, UK. It has been the ambition of the Manorial Guild to maintain a comprehensive list of Manorial titles for the Uk. This has been successful to some extent. The Lord of the Manor of Sydal title , for Lancashire County, is listed on their manorial roll listing which can be viewed below:- 


Kersal Cell in North West England



Kersal Cell was a property that was built in the year 1563 and used for many years as a Cluniac Monastry within the Salford one hundred area of north west England. It's lands consisted of three acquired estates which included the Sydal Moor area of  west Lancashire.  The old Alderman and Lord of the Manor of Sydal Titles, relating to the Moors area, were never claimed back following the removal of the monastic order of the time. Kersal Cell is now a Grade II listed protected status property.

The North West England Saxon Period Moors of Siddle



Below are 1910 Ordnance Survey Maps of Sydal Moor lands in north west England. These show various points of interest including Sydal Farm, Siddal Moor Farm, Siddal Moor, Sydall House, Siddal  Fold. Prior to the Norman conquest , of 1066 ACE, the entire area including a hamlet and Siddal Moor rural lands were under the custodianship of the Syddle family as their managed lands. As Aldermen for the area the Siddle family were a West Saxon allegiance rural Moors family pushed north during the Saxon period of British history. All would have originated from  what became Wessex in the south of previous times. Whether the name Siddle indicates an actual Saxon family, or an historic Moorish family with allegiance to the Saxons (meaning brown skinned rural Moorish people, originating from Spain and North Africa, in the dark age period) is largely speaking a matter for conjecture. Moorish culture did pervade in rural Moorland areas during the dark age Saxon period of Britain. A lot of confusion exists as to what a Saxon is. The reason is that the word Saxon indicates a Dark Age period type of sword and not actually a race of people. Hence anybody who used a Saxon sword , as introduced from central Europe, was labelled as being a Saxon. Also maybe a special type of dagger known as the  Seax.  In reality the people of this period were a mixed bunch of various racial origins.



The Moors Countryside in Lancashire - My Place of Birth


Above are pictures of the Moors Country in Lancashire where I was born. The final and fourth picture is Pendle Hill . Pendle Hill is famous , in history, as being the site associated with the Pendle witches who were put to death by the Army and Witch Finder General appointed by Oliver Cromwell. The place that I was born was Padiham and we were within easy walking distance of Pendle Hill. So much so that I dissapeared and wandered/toddled over there at the age of  2 to 3 on my own one day back in the 1960's.



Royal Marine & Royal Marine Reserves Ranks



Below is an illustration of the Royal Marines, and Royal Marine Reserves, rank structure for officers as at 2019. My rank as Officer of the Kent RM cadets was Major and also for field service with the reserves. My field service included knocking out a gun emplacement, as campaign officer, in a full uniformed summertime beach assault in the east Mediterranean amongst other things.


Although my position with the  RM Reserves, and Kent cadet force, ended by the end of the 1990's I am still listed  as a plain clothes reserve to Military Intelligence, Section 6, and this is my plain clothes rank for their missions as well. However; I haven't actually carried out work with firearms since the year 2001 for the UK state.


As MI6 seconded officers, from the armed forces, are paid expenses only the option to select which campaigns to accept is a right of the individual. SIS have a large enough list of specialists to make this a possibility and it also ensures the greatest chance of success, in a State mission, by taking only enthusiastic personnel.


I started armed service to the Royal Marine Reserves, and R.M. cadet force, at the rank of Lieutenant but was promoted later. When I first started I was classified as a University Undergraduate Reserve Officer within the Kent cadet force. At the time I was living in an apartment on Teasal Way, West Ham in East London, and had to travel down to Kent to their cadet forces hut.


My appointment was having switched to the Royal Marine Reserves from  RAF Air Training Corps 1084 Squadron where I did my initial military training and foot drill et al. I had been with 1084 Squadron since the age of 14 (Actually I have been corrected in that I may have started my probationary period by about the age of 12.5 to 13 years old - what ever!).


I did basic training and also completed the All Arms Commando physical training & Initiative Course which makes me a green beret Royal Marines Commando for armed campaign purposes.


Technically I remain plain clothes Major Andrew Siddle as I was seconded to MI6 from the uniformed RM Reserves, and Kent Royal Marines cadet force, for SIS missions all that time ago. My uniformed R.M. Reserves Commission finished in 1999.



Andrew Siddle                                         26/11/23





Gruinard Island, Scotland, UK - Anthrax Death Island in the early 1980's




Photographs of Gruinard Island in Scotland. This was where I undertook my very first assignment as a special agent for Secret Intelligence Services back in the early 1980's. Gruinard was heavily infected with Anthrax spores, following World War II Anthrax bomb tests, years ago previously. The job was to take regular meter readings to detect the level of spore contamination for Military Intelligence. The land was held by the Ministry of Defence. When the spores were cleared it was later sold back to the original owner for £500 in the late 1980's:-




Military Intelligence Experimental Weapons Units from the 1980's onwards!




Back in the 1980's Mi6 had occasional involvement within the development of experimental weapons for the United Kingdom armed forces. This was always done by using special technologies units attached to the regular armed forces.


I  was involved with testing the new property friendly shoulder launched rocket for the army. This was developed as a missile that could kill people without damaging the material fabric of a building. So , in essence, a fireball would incinerate human beings without damage being caused to brickwork , pillars, et al.


The 1980's also saw a very important experiment in teleport that I witnessed from an experimental weapons Armed forces testing station. The device was developed as a particle diffusion ray unit within a secret setting concealed in the countryside. From the Army point of view it gives the British Armed Forces the strategic ability to point a diffusion ray at invading tanks, and other military vehicles, and zap them, one by one, several hundred miles away out of the UK at the touch of a button.  So rendering them useless as an invading military force.


To be able to completely zap an entire battalion of invading tanks , out of the United Kingdom, without having to fire a single shot at them, is a major achievement and improvement for our armed forces. In other words a "destroyer" type diffusion ray against enemy artillery and tanks.


However we also could see that the device had a potential in space travel and one experiment was carried out in the 1980's to this end. Basically we transported a full army military British tank from a field in the United Kingdom over to the surface of the moon by matter diffusion and re-assembly.


NASA, in the USA, later on picked up photographs of the tank on the moon to show that the experiment genuinely was a success.


That was in the 1980's! Military Intelligence have continued with experimentation on the basic particle diffusion transporter to refine it since then. The device has the potential to become an alternative to rocket fired space travel in the field of space exploration if perfected sufficiently. It would never replace the need for a spaceship to visit a planet in the first instant however; because a transporter docking gate needs to be built on the planet for the concept to operate correctly. The components of the docking gate would have to be taken to the planet by rocket fuelled space ship first of all in order to set up the star gate docking bay in the first instant. Thereafter space travel to and from the planet, and the planet Earth, would be no different, and as easy as, stepping in and out of a lift in a high rise building.


If you look closely then you will make out the tank's turret on top and also it's gun which is the tube like thing pointing directly upwards. The tank hit an obstruction upon being tele-ported and the physical crash swivelled it's gun into an upward position instead of pointing straight forward. 


Time Travel through Matter Diffusion Conversion of  a Physical Form into Pure Energy; and the Use of a Diffusion Ray Transmitter  to Send to a  Far Destination at a speed faster or slower than the speed of light?


From the basic concepts of using the formula discovered by  Albert Einstein in mid 1905 ACE " E = mc². " to convert the physical form of a human being/inanimate object into pure energy it then takes very little, extra, imagination to see! If an object is transported by Matter Diffusion Ray faster, or slower, than the speed of light; then time travel backwards or forwards in time is possible. The problem therein is obtaining a source of power sufficient in order to achieve the objective!


Notes:- E = energy (measured in joules, J) m = mass (measured in kilograms, kg) c = the speed of light (measured in metres per second, ms -1), but this needs to be "squared". the "case" of each letter is important and it would be incorrect to show the equation as, for example, e = MC2                                                                                                                                              




Andrew Siddle                                                                                         28/04/24



Major Sir Andrew Siddle Kt - R.M. Reserves Officer seconded to SIS/ MI6  between 1985 to 2001




Secret Intelligence Services . Military Intelligence Section 6 Head Quarters - 1980's.



This photo is the London based head quarters of Secret Intelligence Services more traditionally known as Military Intelligence Section 6. First started in the year 1909 by Captain Mansfield Cumming.


The first head of Mi6  Mansfield Cumming was famous for the fact that he signed all official documents with the letter "C" instead of putting a full signature. This was in order to not reveal his identity to outside contacts.


The Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service serves as the head of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, also commonly known as MI6), which is part of the United Kingdom intelligence community. The Chief is appointed by the Foreign Secretary, to whom they report directly. Annual reports are also made to the Prime Minister.


Richard Peter Moore CMG (born 9 May 1963)  a British civil servant, is currently the chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) and formerly the director general, political, at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and previously the British ambassador to Turkey. Libya-born Mr Moore joined MI6 in 1987 and later held director roles there. He has also been deputy national security adviser in the Cabinet Office.


I worked as a paid  external armed agent to Mi6 for a period between 1985 and 2001. 2001 marked an armed operation, in Wolverhampton backing up the Police Constabulary, that was my final use of firearms as a member of the armed force reserves in secondment to SIS.


My rank and level was  set at the Royal Marine Reserves level of Major as a trained commissioned officer.  I was also a uniformed Royal Marine Reserve forces Major having been commanding officer of Kent  Royal Marine Cadets , in Kent county, and operational assault officer for overseas operations including a beach assault in the East Mediterranean. 


Prior to accepting a Royal Marines Commission I was a cadet with the Air Training Corps (RAF cadets), 1084 Squadron , where I learnt basic foot drill, rifle drill, engines and airframes study, and square bashing PT going all the way back to the age of 14.


Strangely; I was approached by SIS to do external work for them before I ever switched to the Royal Marines. So I was a plain clothes external agent connected to the Vauxhall Cross Intelligence Unit , firstly, before I became an officer of the Royal Marine Reserves secondly.


In the  late 1980's and 1990's they used to issue a swipe card, now and then, so that I could get through the security doors to attend training events at the Vauxhall Cross HQ. Consequently I got to know quite a bit of the layout of the offices at Vauxhall cross.


In addition I held a commission within an experimental weapons unit working in new technologies for a little while. This was a joint venture Unit between the SIS and the regular armed forces. We worked on  testing the new type of "property friendly" shoulder launched missiles that don't damage property structure when they explode in a fireball amongst other things.


I first obtained a commission, as an officer, with the Royal Marine Reserves having been trained and appointed  as part of their graduate  recruitment intake whilst studying for an RICS Land Administration degree in East London. This must have been around the year 1988. I was still an undergraduate when I first was offered the role. I was given a commission at the R.M. Reserves rank of Lieutenant and later on was promoted to Major when I was Commanding Officer of the Kent Royal Marine Cadets, in Deal, Kent County. At the time I was a resident of West Ham living just around the corner from Manor Road Tube Station in East London.




On the 29 July 2020, it was announced that  Richard Moore would become the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) in autumn 2020. He took up this position on the 1 October of the same year.




This is the badge of SIS as at 2018; better known as Military Intelligence Section 6 . MI6 cover International intelligence concerns of the United Kingdom, as a covert military  contentious issue operations unit, and intelligence gathering operations.


The motto SEMPER OCCULTUS , beneath the brain coat of arms, means ALWAYS SECRET ; and that is exactly the way that Military Intelligence Section 6 will always be.







Does the "increment" exist? The Increment most definitely exists. It's a small group of badged people who are part of E Squadron.


"E Squadron, formerly the Increment, is an elite unit tasked with conducting covert operations, paramilitary operations and others at the behest of the Director Special Forces and Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service. Its members are selected from the United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF), Defence Intelligence and are trained and tasked with carrying out operations in close contact with the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), commonly known as MI6."



Italian Beretta Revolver from the 1980's



This Beretta Revolver was my personal hand arm for a number of years whilst working for SIS/MI6. 


Into this Universe, and Why not knowing,

Nor Whence, like Water willy-nilly flowing:

And out of it, as Wind along the Waste,

I know not Whither, willy-nilly blowing.


There was the Door to which I found no Key:

There was the Veil through which I could not see:

Some little talk awhile of Me and Thee

There was -- and then no more of Thee and Me.


-- Omar Khayyam --

(Nīsābūrī al-Khayyāmī  1048 - 1131)